Danielle Steel: Second Act

As the head of a prestigious movie studio, Andy Westfield has every professional luxury: a stunning office, a loyal assistant, access to a private jet and company cars.
ISBN: 9781529022568
Author: Danielle Steel
Page: 352
Binding: Soft cover
Publication date: 2024
Format: Book
Publisher: PAN BOOKS
Language: English

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Price: 3 225 Ft

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Andy has always put his career before anything else, and now, besides his daughter and young grandchildren, it’s the only thing he truly loves.

But then Andy’s world is upended. The studio is sold, and the buyer’s son demands the top seat. Out of a job and humiliated, Andy knows he needs to get as far away from Los Angeles as possible until the dust settles and he can find a new way forward.


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