Miklós Bánffy: The Transylvanian Trilogy, Volumes II & III: They Were Found Wanting, They Were Divided

És híjjával találtattál - Erdélyi történet 2. kötet, Darabokra szaggattatol - Erdélyi történet 3. kötet
ISBN: 9780375712302
Author: Miklós Bánffy
Page: 830
Binding: Hard cover
Publication date: 2013
Format: Book
Publisher: EVERYMAN
Language: English

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Price: 10 690 Ft

Stock: 1-10 copies


The celebrated TRANSYLVANIAN TRILOGY by Count Miklós Bánffy is a stunning historical epic set in the lost world of the Hungarian aristocracy just before World War I. Written in the 1930s and first discovered by the English-speaking world after the fall of communism in Hungary, Bánffy’s novels were translated in the late 1990s to critical acclaim and appear here for the first time in hardcover.


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