Leif Wenar: Blood Oil: Tyrants, Violence, and the Rules that Run the World

Natural resources like oil and minerals are the largest source of unaccountable power in the world.
ISBN: 9780190659967
Author: Leif Wenar
Page: 552
Binding: Soft cover
Publication date: 2017
Format: Book
Language: English

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Price: 9 095 Ft

Stock: 1-10 copies


Petrocrats like Putin and the Saudis spend resource money on weapons and oppression; militants in Iraq and in the Congo spend resource money on radicalization and ammunition. Resource-fueled authoritarians and extremists present endless crises to the West-and the source of their resource power is ultimately ordinary consumers, doing their everyday shopping at the gas station and the mall.
In this sweeping book, one of today's leading political philosophers, Leif Wenar, goes behind the headlines in search of the hidden global rule that thwarts democracy and development-and that puts shoppers into business with some of today's most dangerous men. Wenar discovers a rule that once licensed the slave trade and apartheid and genocide, a rule whose abolition has marked some of humanity's greatest triumphs--yet a rule that still enflames tyranny and war and terrorism through today's multi-trillion dollar resource trade.


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