Otaku Japan: The Fascinating World of Japanese Manga, Anime, Gaming, Cosplay, Toys, Idols and More!

Transport yourself to the global capital of cool with this ultimate guide to Japanese pop culture!
ISBN: 9784805315149
Author: Gianni Simone
Page: 144
Binding: Soft cover
Publication date: 2021
Format: Book
Language: English

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Price: 10 725 Ft

Stock: 1-10 copies


Are you crazy about Japanese manga, anime, video games, cosplay, toys and idols? If so, this book is for you! Whether you're planning a trip to Japan, have a severe case of wanderlust, or are just fascinated by its culture, let Otaku Japan transport youto the capital of cool.

In this practical travel guide, over 450 iconic shops, restaurants, cafes, clubs and events are presented in loving detail with precise directions on how to find them. More than 20 maps, websites and over 400 color photos takeyou the length and breadth of Japan to all the centers of Otaku culture—from snowy Hokkaido to sunny Kyushu.


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