Ingrid Persaud: Love After Love

Brave and brilliant, steeped in affection, Love After Love offers hope to anyone who has loved and lost and has yet to find their way back.
ISBN: 9780571356225
Author: Ingrid Persaud
Page: 416
Binding: Soft cover
Publication date: 2021
Format: Book
Publisher: FABER & FABER
Language: English

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Price: 4 290 Ft

Stock: 1-10 copies


Irrepressible Betty Ramdin, her shy son Solo and their marvellous lodger, Mr Chetan, form an unconventional household. Happy in their differences, they build a home together. Home: the place keeping these three safe from an increasingly dangerous world - until the night when a glass of rum, a heart to heart and a terrible truth explodes the family unit, driving them apart.


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