Italo Calvino: Italian Folktales

There was no Italian equivalent to the Brothers Grimm until Italo Calvino collected these folktales from his homeland which transport the reader into a world of adventurers, tricksters, kings, peasants and saints.
ISBN: 9780141181349
Author: Italo Calvino
Page: 763
Binding: Soft cover
Publication date: 2000
Format: Book
Language: English

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Price: 6 350 Ft

Stock: 1-10 copies


There was no Italian equivalent to the Brothers Grimm until Italo Calvino collected these folktales from his homeland which transport the reader into a world of adventurers, tricksters, kings, peasants and saints. One of the main themes to emerge is that of love; love tested by absence and by sorcery, and love that unites the natural world and the supernatural. Retold in Calvino's own inspired and sensuous language, this treasure-trove of folklore is considered a classic.


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