Jack Kerouac: Visions of Cody

Many years before its first unabridged publication, ‘Visions of Cody’ became an underground classic. Written by Kerouac at his creative zenith, the book is a celebration of the life of Neal Cassady, his great friend and inspiration.
ISBN: 9780586091593
Author: Jack Kerouac
Page: 463
Binding: Soft cover
Publication date: 2001
Format: Book
Publisher: FLAMINGO
Language: English

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Price: 3 725 Ft

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Appearing here as Cody Pomeray, Cassady was also immortalised as Dean Moriarty in ‘On the Road’.
The son of a drunken Denver drop-out, brought up homeless and motherless during the Depression, Cassady lived his life raw – hustling in pool halls, stealing cars for marathon joy rides across the States, living wild and penniless amongst society’s misfits and outcasts. He left a sizzling reputation in his wake, becoming the insane Beat Demon of San Francisco.


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