Jack London: The Call of the Wild and Selected Stories

Robust tales of perilous adventure and animal cunning
ISBN: 9780451531346
Author: Jack London
Page: 192
Binding: Soft cover
Publication date: 2009
Publisher: SIGNET
Language: English

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Price: 1 150 Ft

Stock: 1-10 copies


Includes Diable: A Dog, An Odyssey of the North, To the Man on the Trail, To Build a Fire, and Love of Life Out of the white wilderness, out of the Far North, Jack London, one of America's most popular authors, drew the inspiration for the novel and five short stories included here. Swiftly paced and vividly written, they capture the main theme of London's work: man's instinctive reversion to primitive behavior when pitted against the brute force of nature.


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