Joseph Heller: Work - Vintage Minis

Bob Slocum is anxious, bored and fearful of his job. So why is it he wants nothing more than the chance to speak at the next company convention?
ISBN: 9781784872786
Author: Joseph Heller
Page: 96
Binding: Soft cover
Publication date: 2017
Format: Book
Language: English

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Price: 1 200 Ft

Stock: 1-10 copies


In this darkly satirical book, Joseph Heller takes us for a turn on the maddening hamster wheel of work. Heller’s workplace is a cradle of paranoia, bravado and nauseating banter, forever shadowed by that perennial question, who’s really running the show here? In Heller’s hands, our daily grind has never seemed so absurd.


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