Patrick Modiano: Dora Bruder

In 1988 Patrick Modiano stumbles across an ad in the personal columns of the New Year's Eve 1941 edition of Paris Soir:
ISBN: 9780520218789
Author: Patrick Modiano
Page: 120
Binding: Soft cover
Publication date: 2015
Format: Book
Language: English

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Price: 6 725 Ft

Stock: 1-10 copies


“Missing, a young girl, Dora Bruder, age 15, height 1 m 55, oval-shaped face, gray-brown eyes, gray sports jacket, maroon pullover, navy blue skirt and hat, brown gym shoes.” Placed by the parents of Dora, who had run away from her Catholic boarding school, the ad sets Modiano off on a quest to find out everything he can about her and why, at the height of German reprisals, she ran away from the people hiding her. There is only one other official mention of her name: on a list of Jews deported from Paris to Auschwitz in September 1942.


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