Sarvat Hasin: The Giant Dark

What does it mean to be adored? Aida is the defining rock star of her age; her every move observed, examined and owned by a devoted, cultish fanbase.
ISBN: 9780349701738
Author: Sarvat Hasin
Page: 368
Binding: Soft cover
Publication date: 2022
Format: Book
Language: English

Rating(No ratings so far.)

Price: 5 550 Ft

Stock: 1-10 copies


When she disappears without a trace into a complicated love affair, her fans are determined to find her, uncover her truths and own her once more.
Away from the spotlight, Aida and Ehsan reconnect after a decade apart, hoping to recapture the innocent,lost love of their youth. But before long, their connection is strained by secrets and jealousies. The past begins to blur with their present as they follow in the footsteps of tragic, mythic lovers before them.


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