Szerb Antal: The Pendragon Legend

At an end-of-season London soirée a young Hungarian scholar, Dr János Bátky, is introduced to the Earl of Gwynedd, a reclusive eccentric who is the subject of strange rumours.
ISBN: 9781805330660
Author: Szerb Antal
Page: 272
Binding: Soft cover
Publication date: 2024
Format: Book
Language: English

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Price: 6 425 Ft

Stock: 1-10 copies


Invited to the family seat, Pendragon Castle in North Wales, Bátky receives a mysterious phone call warning him not to go. Once there, nothing is quite as it seems... Antal Szerb's first novel is a gently satirical blend of gothic and romantic genres, crossed with a murder mystery to produce a fast-moving and often hilarious romp. But beneath the surface, Szerb's steely intelligence poses disturbingly modern questions about the nature of self and reality.


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