Gaston Bachelard: The Poetics of Space

Beloved and contemplated by philosophers, architects, writers, and literary theorists alike, Bachelard's lyrical, landmark work examines the places in which we place our conscious and unconscious thoughts and guides us through...
ISBN: 9780143107521
Szerző: Gaston Bachelard
Oldalszám: 288
Kötés: Puhakötés
Kiadás éve: 2014
Formátum: Könyv
Nyelv: angol

Értékelés(Még nem érkezett értékelés.)

Ár: 5 150 Ft

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...a stream of cerebral meditations on poetry, art, and the blooming of consciousness itself. Houses and rooms; cellars and attics; drawers, chests and wardrobes; nests and shells; nooks and corners: no space is too vast or too small to be filled by ourthoughts and our reveries.


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