The Flavours of the Original Pakistani Cuisine (Magyar-Angol kétnyelvű)

In this short illustrated booklet we will guide you into the fragrant colourful world of Pakistani cuisine.
ISBN: 9780201379624
Szerző: Chaudhry Sarmad
Oldalszám: 95
Kötés: Puhakötés
Kiadás éve: 2024
Formátum: Könyv
Nyelv: angol

Értékelés(Még nem érkezett értékelés.)

Ár: 4 200 Ft

Készlet: 1-10 darab


Savoury roasts, spicy ragouts, warming soups, and mouth-watering seets await you in a simple easy to prepare form. Among our recipes you will find both elaborate festive dishes and quick-to-prepare lunch and dinner ideas, but we have also collected somehearty dishes for garden barbecue to impress your guests as well. In the stores of the Kohinoor Bazar you will find everything you shoul ever need for these recipes, inculding the world's most exotic spices and ingredients. Try new flavours to add new favourites to your old ones. We look forward to welcoming you to Kohinoor Bazar!


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