Don S. Lemons: A Student's Guide to Entropy

Striving to explore the subject in as simple a manner as possible, this book helps readers understand the elusive concept of entropy.
ISBN: 9781107653979
Szerző: Don S. Lemons
Oldalszám: 194
Kötés: Puhakötés
Kiadás éve: 2013
Formátum: Könyv
Nyelv: angol

Értékelés(Még nem érkezett értékelés.)

Ár: 17 390 Ft

Boltunkban pillanatnyilag nem kapható, várható beszerzési idő négy-hat hét


Innovative aspects of the book include the construction of statistical entropy from desired properties, the derivation of the entropy of classical systems from purely classical assumptions, and a statistical thermodynamics approach to the ideal Fermi and ideal Bose gases. Derivations are worked through step-by-step and important applications are highlighted in over 20 worked examples. Around 50 end-of-chapter exercises test readers' understanding. The book also features a glossary giving definitions for all essential terms, a time line showing important developments, and list of books for further study. It is an ideal supplement to undergraduate courses in physics, engineering, chemistry and mathematics.


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