Role Plays for Today - Photocopiable activities to get students speaking

Role Plays for Today is a photocopiable resource book for use with adult and teenage EFL and ESOL students from elementary to advanced levels.
ISBN: 9783125017382
Szerző: Jason Anderson
Oldalszám: 89
Kötés: Puhakötés
Kiadás éve: 2018
Nyelv: angol

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Ár: 16 490 Ft

Készlet: 1-10 darab


9 enjoyable, ready to use role plays divided into five 'real world' categories - Services, Shopping, Social life, Lifestyle and Creative role plays - which provide extensive and varied speaking practice in pair and group situations
Target language boxes on each worksheet to remind students and teachers of key expressions and functional language appropriate for the role play
language activities and discussion questions in the teacher's notes which help prepare and motivate students for the role play, and suggestions for further activities, helping to ensure a well-rounded lesson
grammar, functional language and vocabulary areas likely to be activated are given for each role play in the contents and teacher's notes
an index of grammar, functions andvocabulary at the back of the book


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