SAT 1600 with Online Test: Aiming for the Perfect Score (Barron's Test Prep)

Students who are focused on getting an exceptionally high or even perfect score on the SAT will want to study with Barron's SAT 1600, which is up-to-date for the current SAT and provides effective strategies and practice for tackling the SAT’s hardest qu
ISBN: 9781438012230
Szerző: Carnevale M.A., Linda, Teukolsky M.S., Roselyn
Oldalszám: 518
Kötés: Puhakötés
Kiadás éve: 2019
Formátum: Könyv + Online Tananyag
Nyelv: angol

Értékelés(Még nem érkezett értékelés.)

Ár: 11 550 Ft

Készlet: 1-10 darab


SAT 1600 includes:
A brand-new section devoted to 50 "Challenge" Questions (25 in Reading and Writing and Language and 25 in Math) that reflect the most difficult question types, provide extra practice material, and include detailed explanations
Two practice tests: one in the book and one online
Upper-level vocabulary lists to bring students’ word power up to college standards
Detailed review, tips, and strategies for both the reading test and the writing and language test
Focus on the evidence-based question types
Practice questions and answer explanations for all question types, including detailed discussion and examples of all math problem types
An overview of all sections of the latest SAT, a test-day checklist, and two comprehensive study guides (one for the Reading Test, the Writing and Language Test, and the Essay and one for the Math Test)
An entire chapter devoted to preparing for the optional Essay section
A thorough appendix that includes a vocabulary building exercise, useful math


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