Jack Kerouac: The Town and the City

The town is Galloway in Massachusetts, birthplace of the five sons and three daughters of the Martin family in the early 1900s. The city is New York, the vast and heaving melting pot which lures them all in search of futures and identity.
ISBN: 9780141182230
Author: Jack Kerouac
Page: 499
Binding: Soft cover
Publication date: 2008
Format: Book
Language: English

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Price: 4 390 Ft

Stock: 1-10 copies


Nearly a decade before the publication of 'On the Road', the story of the Martins' epic transformation in 'The Town and the City' marked the first literary impact of the founding father of the Beat Generation. Inspired by grief over his father's death, and his own determination to write the Great American Novel, 'The Town and the City' is an essential prelude to Jack Kerouac's later classics.


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