ENGLISH PILL 190/365: - Öt hasznos idióma a ’tree’ szóval

1. BARK UP THE WRONG TREE (rossz ajtón kopogtat)
You're barking up the wrong tree if you think you can make him work by shouting at him.
2. CAN’T SEE THE WOOD FOR THE TREES (nem látja a fáktól az erdőt)
The information presented in this textbook is so disorganized that I can't see the wood for the trees.
3. MONEY DOESN’T GROW ON TREES (a pénz nem a fán terem)
'Dad, can I have a new bike?' 'We can't afford one. Money doesn't grow on trees, you know.'
4. CLIMB TREES (fára mászni)
As a kid, I loved to climb trees.
5. TO BE UP A TREE (slamasztikába, nehéz helyzetbe kerülni)
If the insurance company won't pay for the damage, I'll be up a tree.