ENGLISH PILL 231/365: Öt hasznos idióma a ’blow’ igével

1. BLOW YOUR CHANCES (elszúrni, elszalasztani az esélyt)
We have blown our chances of getting that contract.

2. MIND-BLOWING (eszméletlen, haláli)
Spending a week in the jungle was a mind-blowing experience.

3. BLOW MONEY (eltékozolni, elszórni a pénzt)
Her husband blew all their money on a new sports car.

4. BLOW HOT AND COLD (egyszer így, másszor úgy beszél)
George was blowing hot and cold about the idea of working abroad.

5. BLOW YOUR TOP (eldurran az agya)
One day, I just blew my top and hit him.