October 5 Methodology Evening


Time: Thursday 5th October, 19.00-21.00

Venue: 1085 Budapest Kölcsey u 2.


Tim Pearse: Inspire Your Students with National Geographic Learning

The classroom, or learning in general, can no longer be dull and boring.  Teachers are fighting for the attention of students and with attention spans shortening year on year delivering interesting, motivating and inspiring lessons is becoming ever more important, and increasingly more challenging for teachers. So, how can National Geographic Learning support teachers and students? This short presentation gives an overview of NGL as a company, its resources, methodology, and its partnership with TED Talks – demonstrating ideas teachers can use to regain the focus of students, re-engage their brains and get them thinking about the wider world around them.

Hugh Dellar: Can a picture tell a thousand words?

The degree to which visuals and videos can generate classroom discussion and increase student motivation is very much down to the way they are exploited. In this provocative talk, I will explore ways in which I have tried to integrate real-world National Geographic content and other video material into both my classes and the new edition of the Outcomes series of coursebooks I co-author. 

Participation is free of charge but prior registration is required.

Registration at training@librabooks.hu until 2 October 2017.