Jerry Schilling:Me and a Guy Named Elvis - My Lifelong Friendship with Elvis Presley

Me and a Guy Named Elvis looks at Presley from a friend’s perspective, offering readers the man rather than the icon ? including insights into the creative frustrations that lead to Elvis’s abuse of prescription medicine and his tragic death.
ISBN: 9781592403059
Author: Jerry Schilling
Page: 361
Binding: Soft cover
Publication date: 2008
Format: Book
Language: English

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Price: 4 125 Ft

Stock: 1-10 copies


On a lazy Sunday in 1954, twelve-year-old Jerry Schilling wandered into a Memphis touch football game, only to discover that his team was quarterbacked by a nineteen-year-old Elvis Presley, the local teenager whose first record, "That’s All Right," had just debuted on Memphis radio.


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